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Family Update..
Jeepers has literally been 6 months since I last blogged. That is just terrible. I've set a new goal to blog more often, so hopefully I can actually stick to that!
So anywho, I will just give a little update on our lives for the past 6 months.
We had a wonderful holiday season! For Halloween Dallin and I were Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. We made our costumes, and I think they turned out amazing!
Flynn and Rapunzel |
The whole gang |
Thanksgiving was with the Stoddard fam. As per usual, it was delicious! Unfortunately I didn't really take any pictures. I just have one of us on our way down. Sorry!

Christmas Eve was with the Stoddard fam and Christmas day was with the Wood's. It too was a blast! We both were spoiled this year! (But we did stay in our budget for Christmas which is always lovely. haha) We put up our fireplace that we made last year and hung our stockings by it. We got up early and did our own Christmas morning before heading down to the Woods. We took down Just Dance and we got the whole family to play! It was fun and funny! We made "Crack" houses that night. I have to mentally prepare for those. My creativity is not very good on the spot! This year we made a little cabin in the Reese's Trees forest. I wanted to make a beach house, but we weren't quite sure how to go about doing that. It was just a great year. And our second Christmas as a married couple. Weird.
New snowshoes! |
Dallin got a new job! After Christmas, he quit at the hospital. He was extremely excited about that! He now works with an accountant that lives in our ward. She is awesome, and I know he is learning tons! He loves his work. He loves accounting, and I love that he loves it! He works as an assistant or basically as an accountant clerk. He gets to run reports, do reconciliations, payroll, etc etc. I don't actually know what all he gets to do, but he enjoys it and is getting remarkable experience!
January was my month to graduate school. We had a big hair show on the 15th (my last day) and Heather and Julie were my models. They were such troopers. It was sort of fun, mostly stressful, but I'm glad I participated. It is now March, obviously and I have to go back to school. It's a long story, but the State is not accepting 352 of the hours I did. Yay... (please note I am being quite sarcastic here.) I was really upset at first, but I can't change it. I might as well be happy and make the most of it. So that's what I plan to do. I am just going to work my butt off, get my hours done, and hone my skills! It should only take me 10 weeks to finish, possibly less. Not terrible, it's just hard to go back.
My lovely models |
In February I got a new job due to my pharmacy shutting down. I still work as a pharmacy technician, but now I work in the retail world. I work at the Layton Target. I miss my old work. Some days I really don't like working at this new place. It's definitely been an adjustment. In time I'm sure I will enjoy it more. It is nice to do something different, at least.
This month, Dallin turned 24! He got breakfast in bed and a few presents from me. (We had my family's party the week before his b-day.) We went to church and then went down to his parents house for cake and ice cream. Carla made thee coolest birthday cake for him! It's so awesome we don't want to cut it and eat it! Haha.

Lying in his loot. |
Awesome calculator cake. |
So that's an update on our lives at the moment. Things are good. We are happy. All is well in Ogdenia.
You guys are the cutest. I really like how your pics look when you type a caption. Like the layout! (minus your crooked pics. hahaha.) JK! It looks awesome and I hope you do keep blogging! Then you can be more detailed and I will love all the details.