Three Months.

It's that time again for me to update you all on our handsome baby boy!  He is 3 months old today! (now two days ago...we had some nap issues and I never got around to finishing the post until now)  Seriously I'm amazed at how quickly time is going by.  I just read a quote by C.S. Lewis the other day that said, "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back, everything is different..."  It seems like every day we do the same thing, but I can see huge changes in Logan.  He is just developing so fast and so well.  It's awesome.

Sometimes I cave and just let him nap on me.

That smile!!! 

So there isn't a 3 month check-up for some reason, so I just measured him at home and then took him in to get weighed.  I took him in because I'm not really sure how accurate our scale is...  Anywho.  He is now 14lbs even and is 24.5" long.  Still growing!  I think he has slowed down a little in the growing though, which has been nice.  He's giving my muscles a chance to catch up with him!  Haha.  He's still a happy healthy boy!

Seriously?! So cute!!

He loves to sleep in my arms :)

Last month I addressed a flat spot on Logan's head with his doctor.  It's on the back left quadrant and it's probably there because he always looks to the left.  She told me to try different positions to get the pressure off of that part of his head.  I've had to lay him on his side for sleeping, (That is more difficult to keep him there than one would think!) roll up a towel to put behind him when he is in his chair or carseat, and just try to keep him off of that flat spot.  It has been a bit hard to do. He always manages to scoot away from the wedges I make and turns his head back to the left.  Even with the struggles, we are making some progress.  I really think it's starting to improve, and I really want it to because I DON'T want him to have to wear a helmet.  I hate those things.  I know they are helpful and we certainly would get one if we needed to, I just hope he doesn't have to!  Thank goodness he is getting stronger at holding his head up!  I think that tummy time has really been helping because he can hold his head up better and looks around a lot more which continues to take the pressure of his flat spot.  He hates tummy time right now, but as a parent, I guess you have to let your kids do hard things because you know that it is what they need.  Even when it's hard to see them struggle.  Hopefully one day he'll thank me, right? ;)

Chilling with Kels.


This cute boy is still so curious!  Now that he has more control of his neck muscles he is always looking around!  It's hard to get him to look at me unless he is laying flat, and even then it can be difficult to get his attention.  Haha.  Because of all the head turning, he has lost almost all of the hair he had when he was born.  There is still a small section in the back that's long and that's it.  He is getting lots of new hair!  I am thinking he will have a nice thick head of wavy hair and I'm REAL excited about that.  I think he would look so adorable with wavy/beachy hair.  Oh goodness.  I can picture it now.  So cute!

He loves the camera ;)

Church swag.

I LOVE when he does this haha.

This month Logan started sleeping through the night.  I don't really remember the day.  He just all of a sudden started going like 10 hours at night.  Holy glorious!  We decided it was time to move him into his room now that he could go all night without needing us.  We got blinds up and moved him on over!  He transitioned like a champ.  Seriously, we didn't have a single issue.  So now he sleeps in his own crib for about 11 hours at night.  I'm sure loving that!  And sometimes he even lets me sleep in and goes for 12+ hours!  I don't know how he does that, but I'm not complaining haha.  I think he must know how much sleep helps me out or something. ;)

Those lashes are amazing!

How he felt about me taking a picture of his tooth.

It finally happened.  Logan found his thumb.  I knew it would be a possibility when we saw him sucking his thumb in an ultrasound we got, but when he didn't really try after he was born I figured it wouldn't happen.  It did.  And I'm actually ok with it.  At the beginning of the month when he first started, it was glorious.  He was very good at self-soothing himself when I put him down for naps.  He would suck his thumb when I put him down and then fall right to sleep.  Now, it has not been so easy.  He still sucks his thumb, but usually only when he starts to get hungry in his sleep.  It seems like it is much easier for him to get his thumb in his mouth when he is not fully conscious haha.  So in the mornings when  I go in to get him he is usually sucking his thumb, or in the middle of the night, or during nap-time.  Binkies seem to be his new soothing tool for falling asleep.  This, I am also ok with because I think a binky addiction is a little easier to break than a thumb addiction.  You can't exactly take away a thumb.  The downside to the binky is that I have to hold it in his mouth.  I just switched him to a different kind and he does a lot better keeping it in place, but he still gets very upset if it falls out before he's ready to be done with it.  I am planning to address that next week and see if I can get a better nap-time "plan" because it is kind of hard for me to hold the binky in his mouth for 15 minutes while he relaxes enough to fall asleep.  Yep.  I do that.  I don't think I want to have to do that forever, hence the addressing the issue.  Haha.

Logan is still a little talker!  The other day after church all three of us were sitting on the couches in the living room and Dallin and I were discussing some things and Logan was just babbling like crazy!  Telling us how he felt about what we had to say. Haha.  He loves to tell us all of his stories!  He is getting so close to laughing, but it still hasn't happened yet.  Along with being vocal this month, he has started to arch his back when he is upset about something.  And I mean ARCH his back.  Haha.  He goes stiff as a board!  It is a little bit funny because he throws his head back and stiffens up and you really can't do anything about it, and if you try to do something about it he gets more upset!  I have to laugh because getting upset as well doesn't make anything better for either of us.  Usually he is just hungry or tired, so we get it resolved pretty quick!

Tellin' stories.

Sleepy smiles

Three months old and this kid is getting teeth!  That's right!  I can't believe how quickly he is growing!  I noticed that he had started being really grumpy and especially drooly so I thought it could be a tooth.  So I pulled down his lip and lo and behold there was a little white spot on his lower gums.  It's the left bottom center tooth...yep.  I don't really know what the technical name is for it, but hopefully you get it.  (If not I'll include a picture below haha)  I can feel a little bump under his gums and I think it's really been bothering him.  Oh!  And then earlier this week he started to be fussy and such again and I looked in his mouth, and I think BOTH bottom teeth are coming in!  Ahhh!!  I can't believe it!  Hopefully it's not too rough; on either of us.  I feel so bad that there really isn't much I can do.  Please bless it's not too painful for that little guy.  As most of you know, drool is a common symptom of teething and Logan is no exception!  He has been soooooooo drooly.  Like out of control.  Haha.  It's funny and a little inconvenient.  Funny because he has started to blow bubbles and kind of spit and inconvenient because he has more than once totally saturated a shirt.  Maybe he'll be like his Dad and suck on his shirt collars one day...haha.

Sorry it's such terrible quality.  He wasn't really cooperating...

While we are on the subject of his mouth, I just need to remember that he has been sticking out his tongue when he gets really excited.  It is oh. so. precious.  He will get a huge gummy grin and stick out his little tongue.  It melts me!  You know what else melts me?  The day before he turned 3 months, he connected my face with nursing.  He looked right at me and when I smiled he got thee hugest grin on his face!  Oh gosh.  I cried.  Don't worry.  Every time he'd catch my eye after that he would get a big grin.  I absolutely loved it!  He is such a little sweetheart!

This is an old video I found, and I felt like you all should see it :)

A few things Logan loves right now:

-Blowing bubbles/spitting
-His play gym/mobile
-Playing "Pat-a-Cake"
-Sucking on Mom's shirt

Taking selfies with Mama.

A few things Logan dislikes right now:

-Getting dressed
-Getting out of the bath
-Going down for naps
-When his binky falls out of his mouth

Waiting at the doctor's office to get weighed.

As a side note...Logan has been having a lot more blow-outs lately.  And that is ALWAYS fun.  Haha.

Like I said, ALWAYS fun ;)

 Here are some of his 3 month photos for you to feast your eyes upon! :)

Basically he is still perfect and still adorable. :)


  1. Dude. So cute. I love all the videos and little baby movements. And all the pics! He's too adorable. And I love that cs Lewis quote


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