Garden Time!

This week Jared got new tires on his little mower thing and brought his tiller down to make us a garden space!  It was so slick haha.  Much easier than the double-digging Dallin had been doing!  I will say, that the section that Dallin did the double digging on definitely looked the best though ;)  

Never before have we had our own garden.  This is so totally new to us and perhaps a titch overwhelming.  We had a very successful seed starting, but I am feeling anxious about what will happen in the actual garden haha.  Only time will tell, I suppose!  I just keep reminding myself that the worst case scenario is that I go buy some plants or just find another local garden to get things to can this fall.  Maybe try again next year haha.  There will definitely be lots of learning, I'm sure.  Although I will confess that tonight when I went out to water, two of my tomato plants were eaten clean off and another looked like it had been chewed on.  Plus one of my cucumbers was missing a big leaf and some of the stem 😩 It doesn't give me a lot of confidence going forward haha.  We'll have to keep the dogs out tonight and see if it helps!  

I have very high expectations for a garden because of my dad and also my uncle Wade, and I am trying to remember that we are starting from zero and it will take time for it to be "pretty" haha.  For now it's a right mess, but it's ours and it makes me so happy!

Some other fun things this week:

Fairy Gardens!

Logan named his creation "Rushing Waters" because of the little creek he made in it :)

Lots of lovely weather + playing outside = tiiiirrreeeed kids haha

Clara set up a pickle farm stand.  Unfortunately she only had siblings that were interested ;)

One-on-one with Daddy 🤍

Her "prize" from Walmart after their date. Diva! 💁

Henners turned 5 months!  

It was another great week and to top it off we got another cousin! We can't wait to meet him when we come home in December!!

Have a blessed day 🤍 


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