Oh my wordy! It has been two weeks and I feel like so much has happened! We had family in town and bonfires and date nights and made new friends and lots and lots of chores (mostly for Dallin haha). So I am going to break up the two weeks into two posts because there is just too much goodness for one ;)
Rory got to have her one-on-one with Daddy and they only got these pictures haha. Gummy snake mustaches for the win!

I for sure thought everything in the garden was going to die. The watermelon looked like it had some insect damage, my cucumbers were covered in white powdery stuff, all but 3 of my tomatoes were eaten clean off as well as a bell pepper plant. It was quite disappointing, but I just kept tending to it anyway. I am happy to report that by some miracle, not everything is dead haha. The onions seem to be doing very well, the carrots are looking thicker and stronger every day, and the pumpkin is going nuts! My cucumbers have managed to come back from whatever disease they had and even one of my tomatoes grew back from the tiny stub!! We almost have a yellow squash ready to be harvested and lots of blossoms on the zucchini and cucumbers! I am just so happy! Haha. I need to take some updated pictures of everything coming back from the dead, but here are a couple of the ones I took when I thought we wouldn't be having a garden this year 😅
Poor cucumber |
If you look really close, there's a little tomato stem |
The Boone's and us are doing a chore trade this year. They went out of town for two weeks and we took over their stuff and they will be tending to our animals while we are in Utah in December. They left on the 27th. I had this ideal in my head of us going over together as a family and milking and feeding lambs. It was going to be fun and maybe even magical! Well we took the whole fam the first day, and it was a bit of disaster 😂 We very quickly realized that was not going to happen. So Dallin pretty much ran their farm single-handed for two straight weeks. That's 28 times of going over to milk to cows, feed calves, bottle feed lambs (14 of them), etc etc. It was A LOT of work. He would be gone about 6-7 hours a day between the morning and evening chores and then working his day job still as well. He of course handled it like a boss and actually by the end of the second week was, dare I say, thriving? Haha. I was able to go a couple of times to help and it was so fun doing chores together. We realize we are most definitely not ready to be big scale farmers. Homesteading seems to fit our lives a little better right now ;)

That's Dallin on the ridge riding the 4-wheeler |
Daisy Girl |
This might be my new favorite picture of Logan. |
Daisy LOVES Dallin! She won't leave the barn without some licks and scratches ;) |
And the best part of the week was getting to have the Wood grandparents come visit! They had planned a Halifax cruise out of Newark and then they drove down afterward to come spend a few days with us! They met us at church on the 28th and then followed us home from there! We had so much fun with them. The kids got some books and a puzzle and they get read all the time! Memorial Day we spent cleaning up the cemetery and oh my goodness it was the best! We have been wanting to do that forever and we were able to get so much cleared out. We got the gate cleared and a whole bunch of headstones uncovered. Carla was even telling me about Find A Grave and all kinds of family history stuff we can do with it. The kids helped and we all had a great time! We were so sad to say goodbye, but it sure is fun to have family visit 🤍
Sarah sent special treats from Scotland! |
I wish so bad I would have noticed the water on my camera! But I love this picture even still! |
It poured rain that week, but gosh we had a good time! Here are some more misc pictures I think are worth sharing ;)
We made some new friends! Homeschool ones! I am absolutely thrilled and they are the best humans! |
Box burning bonfire |
Our "happy not last day of school" picture haha |
Bryce has been the sweetest to teach the kids how to fish! |
Ok this is the last bit from this week haha. Before I ditched IG I was totally convinced that one of the cows was preggers. I was like 100% sure! Perhaps some of you remember haha. But then weeks went by and nothing happened! I was chatting with my cousin and he was saying there was no way she could be. So I gave up hope that she was going to have a baby. Welllllll...when we went up to work in the cemetery, GUESS WHO HAD A BABY!? Hahaha. Our Big Momma did indeed have a heifer calf and she's beautiful! And I was right 😏 I will no longer call her Tina that Fat Lard in resentment for tricking me haha. She's back to being Big Momma :)
Life is always an adventure out here!
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