When we got to the hospital, we left our bags in the car thinking we would go home like most first time parents do. We walked up to the L&D and I told them I thought I was in labor. They admitted me at 9:07AM. We were taken to a Triage room where a nurse came in and asked me a million questions. Then she decided to check me since they have to recheck at an hour to see if you have progressed. Well lo and behold, I was at an 8! That's right an 8. I about died. I couldn't believe. Both Dallin and I were like, "um, what??" Haha. So I was admitted for real into a delivery room.
Just found out we are having a baby today! |
This was actually before that previous pic.
Just after we had been taken to the triage room. |
I had decided I was going to try and go natural which was turning out to be very difficult. At about 1:30 after having struggled to keep my cool through the contractions, I started to get nervous. My water still had not broken naturally and I knew that once they broke it my contractions would get worse and I just did not know if I could handle that. Once I started to get freaked out I knew it was time to get the epidural. I wanted to enjoy this day and not be terrified of what was coming. Dallin and I talked it over and an hour later Dr. Patel gave me the sweet juice of happiness! Seriously. It was amazing! I no longer was having to tell Dallin to stop talking to me so I could convince myself that this"pressure" was not "pain." I could laugh and joke. I could feel each contraction and still be happy. I have no idea why I ever thought it would be cool to go natural. Haha. No it is cool to go natural. If that's for you, great, but I think I will take that epidural and enjoy every minute of my labor and delivery.
Feelin' pretty good with that epidural. (maybe not looking so good haha) |
Anywho, they broke my water shortly thereafter and that was a good thing. It was 2:30PM and I was only at a 9. Once they broke my water, he dropped farther down into my pelvis and I started to progress a bit faster. It's kind of crazy though, because I still had 5 more hours to go. I have no idea why it took so long. I kind of feel like the nurses weren't checking me enough. That also may be my fault since I wasn't telling them to. I know that I had an "anterior lip" which they wanted to wait on so that I would have a smooth pushing phase. I am grateful for that, but really? Five hours to go from a 9 to pushing? Crazy talk.
So finally at 5-ish the nurse said I was good to do a little test pushing. Apparently they like to see how good you are at getting that baby out. Well I pushed like 3 times and she told me to stop and that she would let me rest for about an hour and she'd come back and try again. Another hour?? Really lady? I'm exhausted already and waiting that long to get this baby out is not going to make me any less exhausted. Of course I didn't say that. Instead I said ok and waited for another dumb hour. Haha.
She came back at about 6:40 and had me push again. I pushed through 3 contractions and she told me to stop and close my legs. Well my legs were dead at this point, so really Dallin held my legs together while she went to call the doc. I decided to have them bring in a mirror to be able to watch when the nurse and Dallin both said our baby had curly dark hair. I simply had to see! The doctor got there shortly after 7 and they got everything set up. We just chatted and laughed while I watched as my baby continued to descend as I would push through the contractions. I only pushed for about 20 minutes and our sweet baby boy was born. Logan Collin Wood. Holy poop was that the coolest thing ever! It was so surreal. They put him immediately on my stomach and while he was crying I went to touch him and he grabbed my hand! I about died of tenderness overload. Seriously, HEART BURSTING!! They sort of rubbed him down a bit and then I got to do skin-to-skin. That is one of the coolest things. He almost immediately calmed down. And we just got to lay there together. He just entered this whole new world, but he knew me. So precious.
Thee most amazing thing in all the world! |
He didn't love getting his measurements and what not. |
Definitely a Wood baby ;) |
Precious moments with Daddy! |
Breastfeeding went amazingly. He latched right on and fed for a good half hour. He was then weighed and measured. He was a good 7lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. Perfect baby, perfect size. Then we spent some quality family time before we invited people to come see our new babe. It was the coolest thing to watch Dallin hold his son for the first time. There was just so much love and happiness!
Tired, but so so happy! |
We were moved to room 4221 and then we let the family come in and see. Dallin's parents and Sarah were the first ones to see him. They had actually been at the hospital almost all day haha. We really should've had him much sooner! I feel bad they had to wait so long! And then I didn't even get pictures of them with Logan :( Ugh. It was so cool though to see how much love everyone had for Logan. He's a lucky guy. Heather and Kathryn showed up next and then my parents. Lots of happy and excited tears. This was real life. We now had a son. He's ours and will be forever and ever.
Grand baby #5! |
The next day and a half at the hospital are a bit foggy. Jessica and Shae came to visit. The Deppe grandparents and Lara came as well. We just rested and tried to take it all in.
All ready to head home! |
We are one happy family! |
Dallin said he looks like a gangster haha. |
We came home on December 4, 2015 and our lives will never be the same!!
I love birth stories! I'm looking forward to an epidural, gossip mags and movies. Haha. But for real. When that baby comes out it is the most amazing thing in the world!