It has once again been far too long since I have last blogged. It's time to repent and try again. I am hoping now that life has changed significantly for me, I will be able to sort of schedule in some blog time. That way you lovely folks who read this blog will be semi updated on life here at our place! Because it has simply been too long for me to actually post about everything that has happened, I will just hit the major stuff and throw in some pics for the rest of it.
April was a pretty crazy month for us! I started back to school, we decided to start looking for a home to buy, and on April 14th, 2015 we found out that I was PREGNANT!! That's right. Preggo. It was thee craziest thing! We had been trying for several months but had decided to take a little break (so as to not have another December babe in the family). Well little did we know, that our little babe wanted to come anyway. After taking 4 pregnancy tests, we knew it was legit. I was 6 weeks when we found out, and the reason I took a few tests in the first place was because my favorite food (rice and cheese) started making me very ill. That weekend we told our parents and then our immediate family. Everyone was happy and excited for us! It is the first Wood grand-baby and first great grand-baby for that side as well. Carla and Collin took us out shopping the very day we told them and got us some clothes and burp cloths, etc. So lovely! And my parents had some gifts just waiting for us! Haha. We told our parents with a children's book. We bought each of them a copy of
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? and inside we wrote a little note from Baby Wood. I thought it was pretty cute! So that was the beginning of our little adventure! Oh! And we found out the due date for our little one was December 12, 2015 and got our first ultrasound!
I have to post these two pics because on April 12th my mom gave
me this maternity dress, just for fun, and we took these to send to
family as a prank. We found out we were pregnant 2 days later. Haha |
Food baby is actually a real baby! ;) |
3 of the 4 tests :) |
Grandma and Grandpa Wood! |
The loot from the Woods! Lucky baby! |
The cute present from my parents :) |
On our way to the first ultrasound! |
So so excited!! |
First ever pic of our wee one! |
May I was still feeling incredibly sick. I lost a bunch of weight and was just feeling all kinds of emotions in that first trimester. Definitely not my most favorite time. Haha. We did get another ultrasound this month though! Ben graduated from the U this month! Super cool! We were still looking for a home to buy in the Washington Terrace/Ogden area. Dallin was just working away at Just Fitness. Sarah moved in with us for a month until her Ogden apartment became available. I finished school, which was incredibly glorious. On Memorial day we announced our pregnancy to my extended family. It was awkward...but also cool. Everyone was really excited and happy for us!
Listening to a million graduates names haha |
Way to go Ben! |
Our little peanut! |
Last day of school with my girl Sam! |
Dinosaurs at the zoo! |
Zoo day with the Fam Bam |
Presh. |
How we announced the pregnancy |
In June we announced our pregnancy to Dallin's extended family at the Maddox reunion shindig. Again, a bit awkward but super cool. And of course we have no pictures of that. I really need to up my picture taking skills. Seeing as it is the first baby on that side, everyone was thrilled! :) I got my cosmetology license and started work at Essensual Hair Design in South Ogden. We got another ultrasound and it was just incredible! He was sucking his thumb and everything! And later in the month we made the pregnancy news public, AKA shared it on social media. Which I guess is kind of a big deal. Haha. Also this month, Dallin's parents approached us about selling their home to us. After much deliberation we decided to do it and we set the wheels in motion!
Feeling legit! |
This pic is so lame, but it's the only one I took of
my first day haha. Oops. |
Sucking his little thumb! |
Baby's first swim day at Layton Surf n' Swim |
Took a nice walk to the temple this month as well :) |
July was a fun month! We somehow won an Instagram giveaway and got a bunch of baby stuff which was awesome! We won a baby monitor, a stroller, a play yard, and this weird night light thing haha. We went camping to Tanner Flats over the 4th of July and it was fun, as camping always is. We went to a Bee's game and did other fun things this month as well. On the 24th of July we went to fireworks in Brigham City with Dallin's family which was also cool. I just love fireworks! On July 22, 2015 we found out that our sweet baby was a BOY! We were both surprised! I was convinced it was a girl and we both kind of wanted a girl. All that aside, we were so so so happy! A wee boy was coming to our family! Who wouldn't be thrilled?? At the anatomy ultrasound, everything looked great! He was a funny little guy! He wouldn't cooperate at all haha. We were there for over an hour trying to get all the angles and pics that they needed to make sure everything looked good. I even had to get up and pee and come back to see if he would move! Haha. He was just kickin' back and not wanting to budge. I secretly loved it. Or maybe not so secretly...haha. It was fun to see his personality a bit :) The next day (23rd) I headed out to the Great White North with my Padres. In other words, we went to North Dakota to visit Carissa, Tanner and Harvey. We were up there for 10 days and it was so fun! We went to the state fair, and the lake, and played games, and went to the Teddy Roosevelt National Park, and ate...a lot. It was all good fun. Dallin was in school for the summer so he unfortunately didn't get to play much with us :(
Our Instagram winnings :) |
Bee's Game |
Fireworks on the 24th |
So excited to find out the gender!! (18.5 weeks!) |
It's a boy!!! |
His little profile is just adorable! |
The telling butt shot. Haha. |
Off to North Dakota! |
Story time. |
Playin' at the park |
Seesters! |
Teaching baby how to shoot trap. |
I just had to share this adorable thing! |
Some good lakeside fun |
August 3, 2015 we closed on our new house! Everything worked out and we bought Dallin's old home in the good ole city of Kaysville! On August 4th the home was officially ours! We did stay in our apartment in Ogden for most of the month though because Carla and Collin were waiting for their new apartment at City Creek to become available. August 15th was our 2 year anniversary! Crazy how time flies! We were poor and couldn't really do anything haha. We actually ended up just going camping again with my family that weekend to Payson Lake. It was fun! At the end of the month we started to pack up our apartment and on August 28th we official moved into our home!! Oh! And Dallin started school again and I quit my Target job :)
2 wonderful years! |
So happy to be moving! |
Packing up our little apartment. |
Cake from my Target coworkers. So nice! |
Closing on the house!! |
Celebrating home ownership with some Cafe Rio :) |
September was a busy month for us! We had a few projects that we wanted to get done before the baby came. We first wanted to get the master bedroom made back into a master bedroom, and we also wanted to get the bedroom upstairs turned into a nursery. Well, like all home projects go, they turned out to be a lot more than we had planned on. We finished the closet and did some patchwork and such, but I had decided that I wanted to change out the baseboards. Whilst we were tearing out baseboard, we found a real problem. There was a bunch of mold/water damage from a leak in the bathroom and since it shares a wall with the master bedroom, it was a problem in our room as well. We ended up tearing down and re-framing that wall, replacing the floor under the bathtub and the floor just a couple feet out on the bedroom side. I'm slightly ashamed to say that the bathroom is still torn apart, 4 months later. Ugh. It'll get finished eventually! So once that was all done and the sheet rock was put back up, we painted. We decided on gray walls, and honestly, we love it! We put in new carpet and with the new paint, it looks brand new! It seriously is great! We finished that room in November haha. This month we took our "Child Birth Prep" class. I loved it! Definitely helped me feel a lot better about what to expect with this whole birthing business. :) I turned 24 this month. We went to Granny Annie's for breakfast and it was delicious!
28 weeks! |
A before pic |
Working on our awesome walk-in closet |
Father and son working hard! |
The mold we found. Eeek! |
Dallin being all cool and manly with the metal grinder. |
Putting the wall back up. (notice the nice floor in the bathroom!) |
And with the sheet rock, it looks almost done! haha |
Painting away! |
So handsome :) |
We LOVE this paint color! |
Fixed floor and new baseboards! |
Dallin was so amazing at doing all these new projects on his own!
He was born to be a homeowner ;) |
Child Birth Prep Class |
He loved that Empathy belly ;) |
Birthday shenanigans at Granny Annie's |
What a cutie! |
So much food!! |
October we were still doing the master bedroom. I was able to attend a Relief Society Retreat with my mom, aunts and Kelsey. It was so fun! We had our annual Stoddard Halloween party. This year Dallin and I sort of failed at planning ahead and thus we wore sheets to be Roman people haha. Super cool. I know. Also this month, we sold my grandparents home in Taylorsville. We had a huge 2 day estate sale. It was pretty fun and a bit stressful haha. I couldn't believe how much stuff my grandparents had. A lot of it was really cool! Dallin and I got a glider (which is ah-may-zing haha) and a few things for the garage.
30 weeks! |
I just love these people! (RS Retreat) |
Our super awesome Halloween costumes haha |
Fun at the yard sale! Vienna being sassy as usual ;) |
November we finished the master bedroom (like I stated before) and were finally able to start on the nursery. After many struggles to find a good theme, we decided to go with the quilt that my mom made for the babe. We didn't find any mold in this room, thank goodness! All we had to do was pretty much clean and paint. It turned out perfect. I just love his room! My favorite part is of course, his library. He's a lucky boy to have so many awesome books! This month I also started to have my baby showers! We have thee greatest friends and family! Literally. I couldn't even believe how spoiled we were! We pretty much got everything that we could've needed for this little guy! Thanksgiving was with the Wood family down at City Creek and I unfortunately did not get any pictures. The whole Wood family was there as well as Lara, and Grandma and Grandpa Deppe. The food was amazing and I ate way more then I thought was even possible! Haha. We played nintendo and slept and ate some more. It was a lovely day! Oh! And it was my last week at Essensual Hair as well. Sad, but good. The last week of November I got our Christmas all put out. It was a good thing too because...
Carpet is in! |
The finished master bedroom |
Working on the nursery |
Mom was a HUGE help in all the projects! |
Painting away! |
It's hard to tell, but this blue is awesome! |
The quilt my mom made. It's beautiful! |
All put together minus the book shelves... |
and with the shelves! These are my favorite part! |
Care First shower |
Friend shower |
Family shower. (I didn't take any real pics haha) |
First Christmas in our home! |
This was 38 weeks and the last pic I took as a prego lady! (We had Logan 3 days later) |
Ready for baby! |
December 1, I started to feel what I thought were contractions. They started early in the morning, but they were about 30 minutes apart. By the end of the day, they had become quite irregular, so I didn't get my hopes up. That night though, I hardly slept at all. I think part of it was contractions and the other part was that I was freaking out because of the contractions. ;) December 2, they were coming pretty regularly, but probably about 12 minutes apart. Our doctor told us to hold off going to the hospital until they were coming every 5 min for 2 hours. That seemed like forever away! At about 8AM, I went pee, and right after that I could hardly walk because they were coming so often! Plus I was spotting, which freaked Dallin and I out, so we decided to head to the hospital!
I want to do a birth story post, so there is a little run down of the past almost year of life for us! Continue to the next post for the birth and after :)
I love it!! That's a great catch up blog! Well done :)