
Yesterday was Dallin's cousin Savannah's farewell.  We had to be out pretty early and were gone all morning and into the afternoon.  It was so fun to see everyone and Savannah did so well on her talk!  Logan is awesome and handles being out like a champ, but usually the next day (today) we have to recuperate.  Haha.  I love that eveyone gets to hold him and play with him, but I think sometimes it's a lot for a little babe to take in.  Overstimulation, perhaps.  So, naturally he needs a day off. ;)

Last night was a bit rough for me.  Logan has been sleeping through the night for about a week now and it has been oh so glorious!  Due to the lack of napping and thrown off schedule yesterday, Logan woke up twice last night.  Wowza.  I didn't even realize just how awesome it had been until I had to roll myself out of bed at 2 this morning,  And then again at 5:30 and then our official "up" time at 8.  Sheesh I am pooped. 

Ok, so back to recuperating...

I think I really love that he needs to recuperate, because...he gets soooo cuddly!  It can be hard because he doesn't want to go down for a nap or be left alone for a split second, but I love that he needs me.  He wants me to hold him and cuddle him because that is where he is comfortable and happy; in my arms.  It's the most tender thing to be needed and loved by someone so sweet and perfect.  I walked around the house with him in my arms, ate some food with him on my lap and then he fell asleep on my shoulder.  Here I am holding my sleeping babe thinking how great my life and family is.  So we can both be pooped and both enjoy a day off.

 Snuggles will be on repeat, all day.


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