January Shenanigans.

Seeing as February is upon us (and has been for almost two weeks...) I decided to post a bit about some adventures we had in January.  Really, there isn't much.  I quite enjoy my new hermit lifestyle where I stay in all day and hang out with Logan haha.  That being said, we did indeed go out and see the world a few times.

New Year's Day was Logan's first real outing.  Every year the Deppe Clan goes bowling to start the New Year right with some good fun and family!  I was not yet cleared for physical activity, so I just put Logan in the carrier and visited/watched which was still quite fun.  Honestly, I was super freaked out at the germ factory that resides in bowling alleys, so it soothed my nerves to have him on me.  I mean, those bowling balls...ew.  Touching them and then touching the baby needed to not happen.  Haha.  We went to Kevin and Rosemarie's for pizza and then I felt much more comfortable.  Lots of the family were meeting him for the first time and they got to hold him and what not.  It was great.  I love that tradition.

Our super awesome bowling shirts!!

Dallin and I went on our first date with Logy Bear.  That was pretty fun.  We wanted to go to a movie, but we didn't have baby headphones and I just couldn't make myself take him to a super loud movie without any protection for his little ears.  We settled on dinner.  My parents got us a "date night package" for Christmas, so we used the giftcard they got us for Goodwood BBQ.  Seriously...they have such. good. food.  Huge portions, southern style BBQ, the works.  Logan was his normal amazing self and just slept while Dallin and I stuffed our faces, and laughed, and all of those good things.  Now that I'm writing this, I think another date night may be in order!

My little niece Vienna turned 2 on January 12th, and they had a birthday party for her at the Living Planet Aquarium in Draper.  I had never been, so I decided to take Logan down for another adventure.  (Dallin had to stay home and do homework.)  It was pretty cool.  I think it's probably over priced...well not probably, it is, but it was still cool.  I loved the penguins.  They were super active when we were there.  They were swimming so fast and jumping in and out of the water.  It was so cool to watch them!  My dad insisted on carrying Logan in the carrier so I got to just sort of explore and take it all in.  I think the little man will enjoy it much more when he gets older and actually wants to see everything.  This time he just slept haha.  He did get an awesome penguin souvenir though, so that's cool. :)

She loved the minion from Kathryn and I!

He quite enjoyed baby carrying :)

Playing "leap frog" haha

Sleepy boy

His penguin souvenir!

Meeting Cannon for the first time was also a fun thing for Logan this month.  I am not really sure how he felt about it.  Haha.  I think he was a little shocked and slightly confused, but I think in time he will come to love dogs!

Oh!  Logan and I started back to church this month as well.  Some people thought I was crazy for taking a one month old baby to church, but I missed it.  I wanted to go back and I think Heavenly Father helped to protect him so that we both could feel the spirit of Sunday meetings.  It has been so nice!

Basically that was our month.  A pretty good way to start the year, in my opinion!


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