This is a super late post. I apologize! But...Logan is 4 months old! Woo! He just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I love it. There were several "firsts" this month! And lots of new adventures for us coming up!
So excited to be 4 months! :) |
On March 16th, he gave me his first REAL giggle. Yep! A real giggle! He still doesn't giggle all of the time, but he is starting to more often and it just makes me so happy! I have a couple terrible quality videos, but I won't post one until I get a good laugh and a less crappy video. Haha. Logan is also suuuuper smiley. Like all of the time. I can't even believe how happy he is. Ever since he was a wee babe we called him our "happy" boy and it has definitely stayed true. It is also amazing to me how quickly he can go from crying to smiling. Haha. I guess that's babies/kids for you, eh? ;)
Out on our first walk. He loved it. |
Always blowing bubbles. |
Talking with Grandpa Wood. |
Spitting and babbling are two of his favorite things. He has started to babble before he falls asleep or when he wakes up and is hanging out in his crib. And I think he uses spitting as a way of communicating with me haha. I will say something to him and he will flap his little arms and kick his legs and spit. I love it. Even though we go through several outfits a day thanks to his drool... :)
Cutest boys alive! |
*heart melting* |
He makes the best faces haha. |
That nose is in the way of his thumb sucking! |
Logan is ALWAYS eating his hands or gnawing on some part of his arm, whether it is his fist, wrist or forearm. Seriously, always. He has also begun to put other things into his mouth. My favorite thing to watch is him trying to get his green ball into his mouth. (See pic below...) He mostly just sticks his tongue through the holes and it's so funny! He also enjoys sucking on fabric. Things like my shirt, his bib, a burpcloth, his shirt, etc etc. I believe I mentioned this last month, but it's getting more intense because he is more coordinated at bringing things to his mouth. Haha.
Getting pretty good with his hands! |
Cheese! |
Yummy wrist ;) |
Mirrors have become a great tummy time distraction! He loves to look at himself. Who can blame him? I mean, he's adorable. If I looked like that, I'd smile and stare at myself in the mirror too. ;) I think he prefers actual mirrors, but the selfie mode on my phone will also do the trick. Ps...he also has a 6th sense in regards to my phone. He always wants to look at it, and I swear he knows the second I pull it out. I'm going to have to watch my phone time so he doesn't get any ideas about needing to be on it as he gets older. (Right, Carissa? hehe)
Sorry it's a tad blurry. |
Admiring himself |
Speaking of phones, we got a little carried away with the snapchat filters...haha
Hahaha. |
I hate being sick. Luckily, both Dallin and I hardly ever get really sick. Perhaps a cold here and there, but nothing too crazy. Well, Logan got sick this month and it was the most heartbreaking thing in my life! My mom mentioned to me that I may have a rough time if I get that upset over every little thing, and she's right. Motherhood is going to challenge me! I am so emotional and hypersensitive perhaps, to basically everything. Hopefully I have all angel children, right? Ha ha. Anywho, back to Logan. It really was so sad. It only lasted a couple of weeks, but he would just cough and cough and then gag and puke. Plus he was a little grumpy and didn't sleep well, and his appetite went down which led to a little weight loss. So sad. I don't want to go through that again. I know I will. And now we can say we survived the first one, so hopefully next time we don't feel the need to spend $100 to have a doctor tell us he's just fine. Haha.
In his new seat! |
First play date with Marshall. |
Playing Xbox with Daddy. |
When Logan was two months old, I told the doctor that I was concerned about a flat spot on the back of his head. She showed me a little stretch I could do with him and then told me to prop him onto his side when he would take naps. She seemed pretty chill about it and so I didn't stress too much about it. I was not very diligent about doing anything and it was a real struggle because that kid
loves to look to the left. Since then, we decided to switch doctors and when we went to this new doctor, he acted like it was a big deal and sent us to a therapist right away. I guess part of me is mad that the first doctor didn't do this two months ago, and the other part is mad at myself for not taking it more seriously. His flat spot really is quite bad. So on March 31st we had our first appointment at Primary Children's Rehab with a physical therapist so she could evaluate Logan and we could start working to correct the problem. We will continue to go to appointments for two months, and if we reach our goals then Logan won't need to get a helmet. Please bless! I want to give some more details, but I will do separate posts on his therapy. Something to look forward to. ;)
Waiting at the therapist office. |
Logan rolled from his stomach to his back for the first time on March 31st as well. He hasn't done it since, but he definitely wants to start rolling! He's always arching his back like he's about to roll, but then doesn't. Soon I'm sure he'll be rolling all over the place!
So so happy. |
Getting close to rolling all over! |
At Logan's 4 month doctor's appointment, he was 26" long (90th percentile) and just over 14lbs (25th percentile). He is super tall and for some reason he has stopped gaining weight. The doctor wants us to start supplementing to get his weight gain back on track. We need to take him in every 2-3 weeks to have him weighed to make sure he is gaining. I have more to say on that...but at another time. He is officially in 6 month clothes and can wear some 9 month things! He's a healthy, happy, and adorable little baby!
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