March has come and gone, but yet again it was a good month for our little family.
Logan turned 3 months old to start the month off! We didn't really do anything to celebrate except note that he was officially 3 months old haha.
The weather started to improve and we went on several walks and also to the Davis High track. It's so nice to be able to get outside now! Especially since I need to really start training for the Ogden Marathon Relay! Pray that I can get my butt in gear pretty quick! Haha. Carissa gave us her old jogging stroller and we LOVE it! It's so nice and works great for our little jogs.
Our first walk! |
walking the track |
That's Dallin way off in the distance running :) |
On March 6, my best friend Jessica had her sweet baby boy! (And Logan's future bff) Dallin and I were able to go over and meet him and give our congrats to their cute family. He is so adorable and it really is the greatest to be having babies with your best friend! His name is Marshall Rex and he was the tiniest little thing! It's so weird to think that Logan was once a wee babe like that. Weird.
Logan and Marshall |
Also this month Carissa and Tanner came home to Utah!! It was a blessed day! Unfortunately Tanner isn't "officially" here for another month or so, but I am so ridiculously happy to have them back! North Dakota was very inconvenient for play dates and mountain days. :) We met up with them to help them unload the trailer and pack up their storage unit. And we also got to meet sweet Greta girl. She is too precious! Already we have done lots with them and it has been wonderful!
Dallin holding little G |
So much fun at the storage shed. |
Playing with Aunty Carissa |
Logan and Tanner |
Love having babies with my seester! |
Me and Baby Greta. |
Dallin has made some big changes with his lifestyle this month! He has started the Keto diet and has been really working hard to get some weight off and just be healthier. He has been doing AMAZING! For real. I'm so proud of him for working so hard to be a healthy and happy daddy to our cute boy. He is an inspiration to us all.
Meal prepping |
Looks delicious! |
Logan got sick this month which was NOT fun. At least now I sort of now how to handle it. Haha. He was pretty sick for about 2 weeks, but then it was just sort of gone. I've heard that about sickness in babies. That it hits hard and fast and is gone just as quickly. I am just glad it's over with. I like having a healthy baby. :)
Sweetest little sicky head. |
Dallin is offically a quarter of a century. That's right. He turned the big 2 5 this month. I can't believe it! He's getting old. Hehe. He got some pretty cool stuff for his birthday, but I think his most favorite gift was his bowling ball! He has been wanting to go bowling ever since and we just haven't had the time! His ball is awesome. Probably not as cool as mine, because his does not smell like a grape sucker. Haha. Nah. It is really cool! Happy birthday to Dallin!
It's a tad blurry, but you can see how excited he is :) |
Choosing a ball |
And this is the beauty he chose! |
We had my mom come up to babysit for us one night and Dallin and I went on our first real date since Logan had been born! It was glorious! I love us, and just being together. It was so great. We went to the Habit Burger which was sooooo good! Afterwards, we went to H&M and did a little shopping and then we headed to the Kaysville theater to watch "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Everything about the night was just perfect! The food, the movie, the company. We will definitely be needing to do that again. And not in another 4 months. Haha.
He loved it. Don't let the face fool you. haha |
So bright! |
That's better ;) |
Yay for moooovies! |
Logan can really hold his head up now and so we invested in a little seat for him. We got the Summer Infant 3 in 1. I think he really loves being able to look around at everything from a new perspective. It's really been helping with his head shape as well. It's fun to have him at the table with us, and I'm hoping it will lead to him being interested in some of our food. I don't know why, but I'm excited for him to start trying "real" food. Haha.
First time in his new seat. |
Easter was fun this year. It came on the 28th and we decided that we HAD to color eggs since it was Logan's first Easter. Honestly, he just sat there and watched Dallin and I dye the eggs, but he did get to hold one. Haha. Dustin and Melynn stopped by to see us which was lovely. We visited with them for a bit and then headed to my parents house. They had invited us down for Easter supper. It was a lovely day. This year we didn't have a chance to do our annual Stoddard Easter Egg Hunt, so we may be doing that in the summer this time. It's a little harder with all the babies and colder temps. Plus, not everyone could make it the weekend of Easter. I am looking forward to it though! It's always a blast!
Ready for some egg dying fun! |
The set up... |
Our finished product |
He wasn't too sure at first haha |
But then he got it :) |
His Easter outfit! So cute! |
We tried to match :) |
March had a bit of madness (not the basketball kind), and lots of fun! :)
**Some pics of Dallin and I since mostly you see Logan haha.
Oops. Somehow I missed this. Yay for fun March. And the food stage with harvey - like the trying new things and watching him figure out and discover and taste has been one of my most favorite things!