Clara Starts Preschool!
On September 7th, Clara had her orientation for Preschool! She was more excited than ten excited things! It was so so funny when she was asked to introduce me to the class (everyone had a parent there for orientation) because once she was done, she raised her hand and asked Miss Heather, "When are the moms going to leave?" Hahaha. I was dying. She cracks me up! But she was so ready to be on her own and doing her own thing! Every day when I pick her up she comes skipping to the car and is just living her best life. (Unless she didn't get a turn on the rocking horse haha.) She prefers me to just open the door and let her jump out of the van on her own. No walking her to the door. She does always either give me a kiss or blow a kiss, which makes my mama heart happy :) She's just growing up like crazy, but it' so fun to watch her grow and love school!
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