Treehouse Museum

We are doing homeschool through an online "public" school called My Tech High.  It is awesome!  It really allows us to do whatever we want, holds us accountable, and then also gives us funding for all kinds of things.  We decided to use some of the funds to buy a membership to the Treehouse Museum.  We have never been before and my kids love it!  There are so many things to do there! It sort of feels overwhelming haha.  But really, it's great we won't ever get bored when we go!  The first time that we went there, Clara volunteered to be part of story time.  It was adorable.  I actually didn't even realize she had raised her hand to volunteer until she was called on. Haha.  She was the farmer in the story.  It was something about the Chinese Emperor's cat.  I don't actually know which story it was, but it was so so cute!  Still to this day she will quote some of that story to Rory when they are playing pretend.  :)  Here are some photos of the fun!


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