A Return.

Man.  It feels good to be doing this again.  I have been thinking long and hard about starting up this blog.  I was trying to use another social media platform to keep our family journal and honestly, I'm tired of it.  I need a place where I can write!  Where I can actually journal and share our life as it comes and goes without a limit to how many pictures I can share, or words I can write, or even feeling any sort of pressure for what content I do share.   So here we are.  Back again, back again, jiggity jig!  My goal is to be posting here once a week.  I may not do so well at first, but I will be giving myself grace as I work towards that goal.  Since it has been a long long time since I have shared anything, I thought a little catch-up would be in order.  

Dallin and Laura:

Dallin and I just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary!  Sometimes it feels like we couldn't possibly be married that long, and others it feels like we've always been married.  It's been a wild ride, but I can honestly say our marriage gets better and better as time goes by.  The struggles have always brought us closer, as have the joys.  We both turned/turn 30 this year.  What a trip that is!  I have always enjoyed aging, so there certainly isn't dread about it.  It does feel quite odd though.  We have some big plans for our 30s!  I have no doubts we will see some wonderful things come into our lives!  Dallin is working hard for a milk/cream hauling company.  He doesn't love it, but it pays the bills and is allowing us to save lots!  He is taking up a blacksmithing hobby that is so awesome!  And then he can work hard so he can play hard.  Woot woot!  I am doing the mom gig and loving it! (Mostly ;))  Haha.  It actually is wonderful, but 4 kids 5 and under can be difficult at times.  I am doing hair occasionally but mostly focusing on raising the babies and teaching since we just started our first year of homeschool!  


Logan is turning 6 this year and has started Kindergarten!  He loves it!  We are still trying to figure out the schedule that works best for us, but he truly loves to learn.  His favorite subject is math, which makes my math-loving heart so proud!  Right now his interests include; soccer, legos, his electric dirt bike, Minecraft/x-box, and fishing.  He's really taking to his big brother role, sometimes too much haha, but he is getting to be so helpful and is a great help to me and his siblings.  


Clara turned 4 this year and will be starting her pre-k year at a really fun preschool!  She is so excited!  She also just started her dance year and I don't know that I have ever seen her love something so much!  Really.  She absolutely loves it!!  Among dancing, she also loves to sing, play the piano, and play make-believe.  She loves all things girly like princess dresses, makeup, getting her nails painted, and jewelry.  She's a driven child with an eye for ONLY what she wants.  And while sometimes we struggle with her passion, she is turning into one awesome little girl.  She is thoughtful and kind and loves to help and be a part of everything.


Aurora Daisy is our little light.  Her name suits her so so well.  She is a goof and a half and is always making us laugh.  She is stubborn and witty and just as determined as her older sister.  She turned two this year.  Two going on 13!  She talks so so well, and is already potty trained.  She's our 3rd out of 3 brilliant children haha.  We also lovingly refer to her as our fairy.  She is so petite and light and dainty, although her personality is much stronger!  I will definitely be posting more videos of her so you get the full effect of her personality haha.  


Danny boy is almost 7 months now.  He is the sweetest and chillest child of all time.  Seriously only cries to eat and fusses when he is tired.  He's by far our biggest child, but gosh I could just squish him even when my arms are about to fall off from holding him haha.  He's another blonde haired blue-eyed child and we love him oh. so. much.  He's rolling around and starting to eat foods other than breastmilk.  That's always a fun new stage.  He's not sitting yet, but we've been practicing!  He loves to be held and rocked and snuggled and I never want him to grow up ;)


Luna is our border collie/lab mix pup.  She's 9 months and one awesome dog.  She has so much energy and is literally the friendliest thing that ever happened.  She has been absolutely amazing with the kids.  She is so patient and sweet with them, despite their craziness.  She's potty trained and crate trained and is generally a really great dog.  This is our first time with a dog and we clearly had no idea what we were getting into.  (I don't think it helped that we got her 3 weeks before Danny was born haha.)  We are fast realizing she needs more time than we really have to train her, so we are hoping to hire some help with that soon.  But she's so much fun and we love her dearly.

So there you have it!  An update on the Wood fam!  Life is busy and wild, but also the best!  Thanks for joining along as I continue to share our life in this little corner of the interweb :)  


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